2 Important Things To Know About Distracted Driving And Auto Accident Insurance Services

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2 Important Things To Know About Distracted Driving And Auto Accident Insurance Services

Distracted driving is a type of negligent driving action that can lead to auto accidents. Many individuals engage in distracted driving activities such as eating or using their phones while driving. They may get too accustomed to these behaviors and assume that they are savvy drivers who can "handle" the wheel. This false sense of security can result in unsuspecting drivers getting injured by their negligent actions. In more serious accidents, fatalities may occur. The following points highlight a few things that all drivers should know about distracted driving.

Types of Distracted Driving

There are three main types of distracted driving. They are: visual, cognitive, and manual.

Visual distraction occurs when a driver stops focusing on their driving. Even a few seconds, can result in an auto accident. They might not notice traffic signs use to them looking away from the road at things such as a car accident, roadwork, or a passenger in their vehicles.

Cognitive distractions may occur when an individual's thoughts are on other things besides driving. They may be concentrating on the lyrics of a song, mulling over an event that happened earlier such as an argument, or worrying.

Manual distracted driving involves a driver using their hands for anything other than controlling their steering wheels. Individuals might adjust their stereo systems, eat with one hand, or sip a beverage. Many auto accidents involve more than one element of distracted driving such as not looking at the road (visual) to adjust a radio setting (manual). 

Recognize the Signs

The best thing that all drivers can do is educate themselves on the signs of distracted driving. Some state and local governments have distracted driving laws. Drivers can make anonymous calls if they see signs of distracted driving. This type of driving might also be a sign of more serious negligent driving actions such as DUI. Reporting can save lives. 

Distracted drivers are often comfortable with their actions. Look for signs such as an individual not realizing that a traffic stop light has changed from red to green. Some distracted drivers may not realize that a traffic light is red and plunge through intersections.  Another telltale sign is a vehicle that shows signs of erratic braking such as sudden braking or veering into another lane to avoid a rear-end collision.

An auto accident attorney is a good resource to use to learn more about distracted driving. They can help victims in a variety of ways. Two of the most important services they can offer victims are case valuation and settlement negotiations. Insurance companies are notorious for making seemingly high settlement offers to victims or their families. The issue is that the figures are calculated by adjusters who work for the insurance company, and their objective is to save the company money. Auto accident attorney services are a viable way to ensure fair compensation. 

For more information, contact a service provider like David Helfand PA.

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